Table of Contents: The E2 Visa Investment Guide INTRO: The E2 Visa Investment Guide There is understandably a lot of confusion surrounding the E2 visa investment requirements. In the course of my practice, I am commonly asked: How much is…
The EB3 Visa Guide: Table of Contents What Is The EB3 Visa? Understanding The Preference System The Position Determines the Category Under the Preference System Typical EB3 Visa Jobs Benefits Of The EB3 Visa EB3 Visa Requirements EB3 Visa Process:…
EB-3 Skilled Workers / Professionals / Unskilled Workers (Other Workers) Green Card (including Schedule A Nurses and Physical Therapists) The EB-3 immigrant visa category provides lawful permanent residence to professionals, skilled workers and unskilled workers with a permanent offer of…
Overview Every year The United States welcomes thousands of Bangladeshi students to study at its top-rated universities and various educational institutes. A university or program must accept any Bangladeshi student before they apply for a student visa. Every student must…
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